• Selling •

Consigning your equipment is easy!

1) Fill in an entry form

This helps us to keep track of your items while they are with us and ensures swift, trouble-free payment after the sale.  You can click here to use the form in the “submit equipment” section of the website, or fill in a paper copy onsite. We will need your contact details, VAT number (if applicable), your bank details for payment post-sale, and we will also need some photographic I.D. We accept entries from private and trade sellers.

2) Bring your items to site

Once the yard is back open for deliveries after the previous sale, usually a fortnight after, you can bring your items to site anytime Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm. The earlier you bring your items the better as this gives us maximum time to advertise your equipment.  Entries close usually around a week before the auction; you can call us for the dates but it will be announced via social media and on the website.  If you cannot transport your items yourself, we have a list of hauliers we work with to choose from, see: Transport Hauliers and Shippers

Once your items arrive onsite, the driver will need to visit reception to receive a unique ‘vendor code’ which we can attach to your items which will link your items to your account on our system.  Once this is done, you will be diverted to the designated unloading area for your item(s) and our staff will help to unload if required.

3) Wait for the funds to arrive!

If your items have a reserve we may need to contact you during the sale if we get a bid close to it but not quite enough to sell there and then.  This is a ‘subject bid’ (sold ‘subject’ to vendors’ approval) and we will call you to ask if you would like to sell the item at the offered price or not; swift answers mean less risk of losing the buyer, so keeping your phone handy on sale day may well pay off!  


If you have equipment to sell we would love to hear from you. 
Please call 01226 247 591 or email info@wattsauctions.co.uk